Richard Rohr in his April 10, 2016 meditation says, “Many scholars over the years have pointed out that what is usually translated in Paul’s letters as ‘faith in Christ’ would…
We’re coming up on the first year anniversary of the EF 4 tornado that destroyed Fairdale and parts of Rochelle. Here’s something I wrote about my experience which isn’t nearly as…
Oprah exclaims, “But I can have bread” when she talks about a popular diet, and I think about Eggsclusive Café’s sourdough loaf slathered with butter, and the yeast rolls Bruce…
I didn’t see the beauty of light and shadow on walls and floors until Laura Brown, a fellow blogger, started posting pictures where she captured light and shadows in her…
A person can disagree with President Obama’s policies, or be afraid, or be troubled by our open borders, or question Sharia law, or think “maybe Trump.” These days a person…
During my early teenage years, my family became good friends with archeologist Paul Huey. He was a graduate student studying archeology at the University of Pennsylvania, who came to our area…
Here is a short devotional that was published in the devotional booklet In The Breaking of the Bread at three local churches: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, First Lutheran Church and Salem Lutheran…
These days women are portrayed as heroes running through woods, flashing swords, guns or light sabers, showing men how to be accurate shots, how to be brave. These are flashy,…
I walked into the barn to take pictures of Paladin for my post about riding a school master and to ride him again. It was cold. He’d just been shaved. It’s an…
On this Ash Wednesday, I couldn’t get these words out of my mind, or away from my step. “Because I do not hope to turn again Because I do not…