Since we moved to the farm, when I think about Christmas eve, I think about the old legend how the animals speak when the clock moves over midnight. I have…
“Therefore you must be ready, for the Son of Man will arrive at an unexpected hour.” Matt 24:44–a Jesus saying from the gospel on the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is…
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. (Rom. 13;12, NIV) I…
“Therefore you must be ready, for the Son of Man will arrive at an unexpected hour.” Matt 24:44. Lately I’ve been wondering about how I might meet my death. I wonder…
Suddenly the road did not make sense as I headed home after dark. It’s one thing to see your landmarks, knowing you turn left at the stop sign, turn left…
I walk the dogs down the road first thing. The moon hugs earth shine, the sun an orange glow on the horizon, the sky smoky, stars fading. I’m not much…
When I was a young girl preachers terrified me when they shouted about damnation and hellfire. Even Jesus’ words aren’t so gentle when He talks about outer darkness and…
If everyday is Saturday for a retired person, how do you catch a break? How do you get a day off from the day off? Lately I’ve found myself bone…
Ever since I moved to our farm, I have felt overwhelmed, so much so I feel I’ve clunked my head and there is a big blank spot where my focus…
“But the truth is, my worst nightmares are someone’s present reality. What right do I have to be happy in a busted-up world where people are weeping over graves right…