The shed door wouldn’t budge. Bruce pushed against it. I pushed against it with him. It stayed stuck. He’d gotten it open but we were expecting severe weather, the weather…
What do you do if you hurt someone and you’re pressed nose to glass by your own pettiness, meanness, hypocrisy? Shame wells up like a bad smell. What if the…
I rode Tessie through fear the other day and kept thinking about the old lines by Percy Shelley, “Oh wild west wind, thou breath of autumn’s being” only this was early…
Shaman. That’s what I thought about Mark Russell. He may be laying his hands on the horses like any well trained body worker, adjusting horses where they are broken, but…
Soon after Booker died, some puppy pictures caught my eye, so I asked the breeder if she had any adults. She did — a bitch who’d been returned. When I…
“Don’t tell me what to do. I know what to do. I don’t need to feel any worse about my abilities than I already do,” she said, with an honesty…
The farmers got back at their planting this week, the fields finally dry enough after a two inch rain and made a couple of mysteries for Bruce and me. They started planting…
The Great Lakes Basin Railroad will cut across three states from LaPorte, Indiana into Milton, Wisconsin. Frank Patton has not ruled out quick take eminent domain, which means the project…
“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone” (Ps. 71:9). I’ve been thinking about this verse ever since it showed…
Stephen Pressfield, author of War of Art says, “Henry Fonda was still throwing up before each stage performance, even when he was 75. In other words, fear doesn’t go away. The…