The grief sat like a bubble in my chest, stuck, not working it’s way out in tears. They came with great heaves when I sat on my rock in the…
Some mornings I wake up afraid. Often I dream of trying to pack my stuff with no room in the car. My last dream with this theme was about making…
On a corner in Cherry Valley, stand two giant skeletons. For this season they are dressed in formal clothes, to celebrate their day, All Hallow’s Eve, a day that promotes…
The other day, Bruce and I drove to the next county west of us, to pick up our quarter beef. I like to think that animal ate some of the…
In the last few weeks, we’ve been to several funerals. Bruce’s two aunts on his father’s side died within a week of each other, so we made the trek to…
Here’s another lectio divinia from one of the Jesus stories that I have loved since I was a girl. All these people crowded in my house because I am…
The following is where I imagine what it was like to be Photini, the woman at the well (John 4). See what you think. Jacob’s Well I tell you he…
There’s a whisper off to the east, of storm clouds I can barely see behind the clouds. I miss the thunder heads that roared up from the south and the…
I’ve been attending Annie Kip’s free meetings showing us how to use the images and questions on her life coach cards. They are designed to jostle us out of ordinary…