My heart sank when Pastor Kinnear preached about Jesus being driven into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, flapping her wings like a chicken whacking a person as they pick…
Back in October, the combines were buried in the corn, moving slower than I’ve ever seen them, the corn taller than the cabs. These huge machines waded in slowly, look like…
The moon rose exultant and carried me into joy. Now I don’t feel joy too often, but I did this night, so much so I tossed the hay bag over…
When I looked at this picture and looked again, I saw a woman with a cavern gaping inside her, and not one full of crystals that is so hot humans…
Here is an excerpt from The River Caught Sunlight. Just after making funeral arrangements of her mother, Janice needs to walk away. Marcel is her brother’s girlfriend. You’ll find the…
1. Stepped out on the porch, and into Orion’s belt, long before dawn. I was on my way to do chores, only I ran into these stars, my nose burning,…
Wednesday,The day greeted by a blood moon, Oct. 8 At dawn, a string of geese, the pink light of an early sun, tipping their wings. A cedar waxwing knocked dead…
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 The starlings sounded like hard rain coming across the corn. Out here you hear that rain a mile away, sweeping closer, until the drops fall on your…
August 10, 2014 (A week after my novel officially entered the world) I just took a nap and woke up wanting to comment on Nadia Bolz Weber’s sermon about the…