“My original “call” to be a writer happened in the big red barn where we stored our hay, during one winter rain. I’d been reading C.S. Lewis, and wanted to…
The pain, the memories walloped me with fear and anger when someone brought up X. “Make friends,” they said. I was startled by the sudden pain, how terrible memories flashed…
It feels like a triumph, this past Valentine’s day when neither Bruce nor I cared to celebrate. A day later, neither one of us has given the other our cards….
Every morning I walk the dogs down to the corner of our road and look at the electric wires on one side and the long phone wire looped in the…
The moon rose so fast, I felt the world tilt, like my mother’s Shaker settle, not pegged down. Up ended. Her flow blue tea set sliding onto the floor, shattered….
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…” I Peter 2:9a (NIV) I sat across from my spiritual director, Father MacFarlane saying how…
The cat came back the very next day. I thought he was a goner but the cat came back. He couldn’t stay away! When Onyx died, Darlene said that he…
Less than a week left of writing a poem a day for Tupelo Press. This project will end on Sunday, July 30. What a rich experience it’s been to begin writing…
One thing loving our neighbor means is watching out for the other guy. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as the Good Samaritan stopping to tend an injured man’s…
Sometime around President Trump’s inauguration my heart started rippling in my chest. My sleep was haunted by the kind of nightmares that feel like cattle prods to my feet and that…